When you look at authorities
With a high position, status or title
With thousands or millions of followers
With fame
With lots of money
You name it,
How much of your life have you bought
It means power?
How much of your life have you made you
Less than, thinking and believing
You are small
You are just ordinary
You don't have any special talents or gifts
You don't do much of service to others
In order to have meaning in life
You haven't done enough
You should do this or that
In order to be successful or powerful?
Is it true?
Does it feel heavy for you?
You are an infinife being
Lightness is YOU
Joy is YOU
Happiness is YOU
Whatever feels lighter is always true for you
Whatever feels heavier is always a lie,
Most of the time it is the lie or lies
We buy from everybody else
As real, true and ours when it is not
So how much of your life have you
Been taught and bought that
Power means control
Power means lots of accomplishments,
Power means lots of achievements,
Power means lots of possessions,
Power means lots of fame
Power means lots of followers and likes
Power means fame, high status and titles
The list goes on and on,
From all those who taught you
From societies
From cultures
Everybody else or anybody else
As yours when it wasn't?
A little, a lot or all of it?
Everything that is,
Would you like to uncreate, destroy,
And return it all to senders please?
What if power has nothing to do with
With what you have or don't have?
What if power has nothing to do with
What you do or don't do?
What if power has nothing to do with
What you have to accomplish or conquer?
What if power is nowhere else to be found,
Other than YOU?
What if you are already it?
Because power is YOU
You are right here and right now
As a gift from God to this world
Exactly as you are
With or without anything at all
That is your power
What if you have done so much for you
Way more than you are willing
To give yourself credit for?
That is your power
If you hadn't, you wouldn't have been here
Exactly where you are right now
Keeping going for you
What if there is nothing that
You could have done or have more or less
In order to be successful or powerful
Because YOU are already it?
So everything you have done
To make you less than
To beat you up and down, right and left
Thinking you should be somebody else
In order to have power
When your uniqueness and difference
Is actually your power and greatness,
Everything that is, would you like
To uncreate, delete, destroy it all please?
What if power is your total kindness to you?
What if power is your total allowance of you
To be exactly as you are?
What if power is your unwillingness
To follow anybody else or any authorities
In order to be like somebody else
That you are not?
What if power is your willingness
To be different, unlike anybody else,
In order to be YOU?
What if power is your willingness to be
The leader of your own path?
What if power is your choice to choose you?
What if power is your choice to trust you
Regardless of what is going on
Out there in the world?
Your power is your gigantic, loving, caring heart
Your power is your light
Your power is your infinife lightness
Your power is your total awareness
Your power is your total clarity
Your power is your infinite knowing
Your power is your infinite wisdom
Your power is your infinite expansion
Your power is your infinite capabilities
Your power is your infinite capacities
Your power is your infinite possibilities
Your power is your infinite joy
Your power is your infinite bliss
Your power is your infinite ectasy
Your power is your choice to be it all
Not for any reason
Not for anybody else
But simply for YOU
For your total being
For your total freedom to be
Nobody and nothing can dim your light
Without your permission
You are born to shine your light
In your own way
Brightly and brilliantly
Magnificently and unapologetically
What if that is your service
To you and others?
What if that is your meaning in life
By being YOU
Simply for YOU?
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
- For private sessions about relationships, health, grief and loss:
- For my book Ignite Your Soul Alive:
