How much of your life have you experienced
What you had to say was unheard
What you had to say was ignored
What you had to say was dimissed
What you had to say was made wrong
What you had to say was made into nothing
What you had to say was attacked
What you had to say was shamed
As though what you had to say had no value?
As a result of it, how much of your life
Have you spent making you wrong
For whatever you say
For whatever you think
For however you feel
For whatever you know
You desire and require,
For whatever inner knowing
You have and be deep within you
Therefore doubting you,
Thinking and believing
You have no value, and
You have nothing to offer
To you, others and the world?
Is it true?
Does it feel heavy for you?
Whatever feels heavier is never true for you
Whatever feels lighter is always true for you
You are born to be light and free
You are born to be happy
You are born to be heard
You are born to be supported
You are born to be wanted
You are born to be uplifted
You are born to empowered
You are born to fly high
As a magnificent phoenix
To be all of YOU
It is your birthright
Because God loves you
Because God wants you
Because God desires the best for you
Because you deserve all the best
This world has to offer you
This is why you are here
On this planet Earth
As the gift from God and of God
So how much of the 'I have no value,
There is nothing special or unique about me
I have no talent or gift
I have nothing to offer
What I have to say has no value
Is the lies you bought from all those
Who taught you as real, true and yours
When it actually wasn't?
A little, a lot or all of it?
And everything you have done
To doubt you at all times
To make you invisible
To dim your light
To silence your voice
To suppress your truth
To hold you back
As though you are not allowed to be YOU
And shine your light as YOU
In order to please all those who
Wanted you to be less than YOU
To make them feel comfortable
And good about themselves
Whether they were conscious of it or not
In order for you to fit in
Everything that is, would you like
To uncreate, delete, destroy and return
It all to senders please?
What if you are allowed to shine your light
Simply because you desire it for you
Simply because you allow you first
Simply because God desires it for you?
What if there is so much greatness,
Brilliance and brightness about you
That you haven't acknowledged before?
What if you no longer need
Anybody else's permission
To be YOU
Other than yours?
Just because they couldn't receive you
And what you have to offer,
It doesn't mean that
It has no value, or you have no value
It just means that they aren't right for you
The longer you stick around with them
The more you hold you back
The more you suppress you
The more you dim your light
The more you become everybody else
Other than YOU
What if you are willing to stand out
What if you are willing to keep going
What if you are willing to follow your heart
Regardless of them or anyone
Seeing you or not
Because you choose to see YOU first?
So would you like to set you and
All those who couldn't
Perceive or receive you, free
Both for you and them?
What if you have so much to offer
To you and those who would like
To receive your difference?
What if you didn't perceive it about you,
Therefore couldn't acknowledge it about you
Because you constantly looked to others,
Their talents, gifts, strengths, likes and such
Thinking and believing
Consciously or unconsciously that
"Oh, I don't have that
There is nothing special about me
I am less than them
I am nobody
I am not good enough"
All those things along the line,
Denying and rejecting you completely,
That drags you down and feel less than
Everybody else at all times?
Is it true?
They are your standards for what reason?
Everything you have done that,
And everywhere you defined
Talents, gifts and abilities
As certain things in a certain way
According to others' standards,
Realities and opinions,
That aren't true for you,
Everything that is,
Would you like to uncreate, delete
And destroy it all please?
Everybody has their own talents and gifts
Everybody has their own strengths
Everybody has their own abilities
No exception
They are just shown
In different shapes and forms
That are unique to each one of us
That are unique to you
What if what you thought was
The wrongness of you
The ordinariness of you
The invisibility of you
The nothingnes of you is actually
Your greatness
Your brightness and brilliance
About you and as YOU
Totally unique and different
From everybody else,
That you have never considered before?
Would you like to acknowledge and
And receive it all for you?
That is your willingness to
Choose you and trust you
Perceive and receive you
First and foremost
Before anybody else
That is your willingness to
Find your own way
Go your own path
As an extraordinary leader of your own life
As a massive creator of your own destiny
As a beautiful composer of your own symphony
As a creative painter of your own masterpieces
As a maginificent phoenix of your total freedom
To be YOU
Regardless of others joining you or not
Keep going for you, God's warrior
Dare to be different
Against all odds
And that is your greatest kindness
And caring to you for YOU
You are on your way to
Reclaim all of YOU
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
- For private sessions about relationships, health, grief and loss:
- For my book Ignite Your Soul Alive:
