I would like to share with you
Some of my personal story
That speaks deeply to my heart
As it relates to this title’s inspiration
I walked out of
A toxic workplace of 12 years
With repeated emotional abuse
Where I felt disliked by most people
Where I got bullied, blamed and guilted
For almost anything that went wrong
Where it reminded me
Of some deep-rooted beliefs
I had from childhood abuse like
‘I was unloveable
Nobody liked me
I did everything wrong
I was the trouble-maker
I was an outcast’
At that workplace
Just the way I did
From childhood,
I tried to disappear
I tried to be invisible
I tried to be hidden
I isolated myself
I silenced my voice
Each and every day
I lived in the dark
Like a zombie
I tried, I tried and I tried
To fit in and belong
To hope that
They’d like me some day
The more I tried,
The more I stabbed the pain
Into my own heart
I failed miserably
I betrayed my own heart and soul
I lived in such cruel worlds
With little and no compassion
With little and no kindness
Only with bully and abuse
From childhood to adulthood
That was all I knew
I finally saw it
What I was doing
I was done
Trying to fit in
I was done making me wrong
For everything that went wrong
For the very first time,
I listened to my own soul
I was choosing me
I walked away
With gratitude for all the pain
For all those people
For teaching me to finally
Choose and trust me
I was willing to stand alone
And save my own soul
I have never felt so much stronger
So much happier
So much more at peace
So much more freedom
So much more trusting in me and God
So much more love and appreciation for me
So much more healing
Than ever before
So what is my message
That I would like to share with you?
If you have got so hurt
Where you might find it hard
To trust humans
And forgotten the truth of who you are
How loveable you are
How loving and caring you are
How kind you are
How compassionate you are
How gigantic you are
How magnificent you are
How powerful as a healer you are
How much you have to
To offer to the world
That you be
Try being around animals
They are natural healers
They instinctively know
Who to be safe with
They instinctively know
Who has a pure heart
Their pure heart
Their pure innocence
Their pure love
Is what heals
Because they remind you
To remember the truth of who you are
You don’t need to fit in
To where you don’t belong
Buying into others’ judgments of you
For their love and approval
They are wrong people for you
Their opinions about you don’t matter
Never allow them to run your life
They don’t define who you are
Your opinions of you matter
YOU define who you are
YOU are in charge
All you need is your love and approval
God’s love and approval of you
Your pure heart
That is where you belong
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong