There are times
When you want to
Speak your truth
Choose your truth
Fears and doubts might
Come up with thoughts like
‘What if I speak this,
They’ll get upset and dislike me?’
‘What if I speak this,
They’ll make me wrong?’
‘What if I choose this,
I will lose that?’
‘What if I choose this,
I won’t be able to make it without them?’
‘What if I choose this,
How can I survive?’
And so on
Does it resonate?
It is ok to have those thoughts
It is ok to have fears and doubts
What matters is to be aware of them
And choose your truth anyway
Over all fears and doubts
If you would like to
Your truth comes from your heart
Your truth comes from your soul
Your truth comes from your knowing
Your truth comes from your intuition
Your truth is what your heart and soul desires
It is your inner guidance
It is your support
It is your lightness and expansion
It is not easy
To choose your truth
When fears and doubts challenge you
They are the very moments
To choose your heart
With your truth
Sometimes it requires you
To stand alone with your truth
It takes strength and courage
To listen to your heart
When nothing outside of you makes sense
When the immediate circumstances
Might not be in your favour
It is those challenging moments
It is those challenging circumstances
That will bring your trust in you
To the next level
If you choose it
That is choosing to trust you
No matter what
It is a practice
It is a journey
It is a process
Of learning to trust you
Over fears and doubts
When you choose to speak your truth,
Those who aren’t in alignment with you
For your highest good
Will fall away
Those who are in alignment with you
Will stay and more will come along
Riding the journey with you
Empowering you
Supporting you and
Celebrating with you
It ain’t gonna be easy
There might be challenges
During the process
The road is not smooth as silk at all times
It probably would be boring
Yet you are built for those challenges
Stand your ground
Stand in your truth
No matter what
Your doors will open
Infinite possibilites will open
You will grow and evolve
Beyond imagination
Your roots will grow deeper
Your foundation will get stronger
Than ever before
Can ever shake or break you
Things will make sense
Things will fall into place
You will make it
You will thrive
Miracles are coming your way
Trust beyond your naked eyes
Trust your heart
Trust your soul
Trust your truth
Trust you
Honor you
Choose YOU
Against all odds
You are never alone
Whether you believe it or not
God is within and with you
At all times
God is your healer
God is your guide
God is your mentor
God is your light
Flowing through your soul
You are a legendary
You are extraordinary
You are phenomenal
Taking less than or
Better than nothing
Ain’t your world
You deserve the best
You are on your way
To unwrap your magical gifts
Called YOU
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong