It is your path only
You are the one and only
Powerful leader of your path
You are the king of your path
You are the queen of your path
Nobody else even gets to be
The leader of your own path
Not your parents
Not other healers
Not your brothers and sisters
Not the president
Not anyone else at all
It is your total freedom
To choose for your path
It is your total power
To choose for your path
It is your birthright
It is where your power lies
When anyone says anything
To you and about you,
Always check in with yourself
Is it true for you?
Is it light for you?
Anything that feels heavy for you
Is never true for you
Go for your lightness
My powerful leaders
You are the only one
Who knows what is true for you
Nobody else gets to decide
What is true for you
You decide
You choose
You can make it
Even if you fear
You can make it
Even if you doubt
Because your choice
To trust you and your light
Will override it all
You will make it
You will thrive
With your heart and soul
With God within you
Leading the way
Your path is your journey
Of loving and trusting you
Of remembering and being
The truth of who you are
Not who and what others want you to be
Imagine what your life would be like
To just choose for you
Without the need to give up your needs
Without the need to please anyone at all
Without the need of anyone else’s
Love or approval
Just with your love for you
And approval of you
Just simply for your happiness and joy?
Just simply for your peace and ease?
Just simply for your lightness and expansion?
Just simply for your heart and soul?
You deserve all goodness
That is your true freedom,
My beautiful souls
You are on your way
Of setting you free
For your light to shine
As the brightest star
On this planet Earth
Called the magnificent YOU
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
