How much of your life
Have you been taught and told
You should do this
You should do that
This is the way
You can do this
You can't do that
Giving you advice, teaching,
Lecturing or what not
As though they know more than you
As though they know what is best for you
As though they are your authorities and God
As though you know nothing
As though you don't know what is true for you?
They say it is love and caring
And want what is good for you
Is it true?
Do they ask you what you think?
Do they ask you how you feel?
Do they ask you what you want?
Do they ask you what you need?
Or do they tell you what they think
You want and need
According to their points of view,
And so telling you what they actually
Want you to do or not to do?
Do they ask you what is true or not true for you?
Do they ask you what is light or heavy for you?
Do they ask you what you truly know
From your pure heart and soul
From your total being
For you to see it for yourself
How absolutely brilliant, amazing
Powerful, capable and wise
You are, or do they just tell you
Wwhat they know?
Is it true caring or
Is it taking control and power over you?
So everywhere you bought
It was love and caring when it wasn't
From them as real, true and yours
When it was not,
Repeating the same pattern
In every relationship and area of your life
Everything that is, would you like to
Return it all to senders please?
As the result of it,
How much of your life have you spent
Thinking and believing
You know nothing
You know less than
Doubting you
Making you wrong
Making everybody else and their opinions
Your God, Source and authorities
As though they are greater than you
As though they know the answers for you
While you don't?
Does it feel heavier or lighter for you?
Whatever feels lighter is always true for you
Whatever feels heavier is always a lie,
Most of the time it is the lies we buy
From everybody else and make them ours
When it isn't,
Lightness is YOU
Expansiveness is YOU
Infinite space is YOU
Joy is YOU
Total freedom is YOU
Nothing less than that, EVER
So everywhere you have done that
Giving your power away to others
Making them and their opinions
Greater than you,
Everything that is, would you like to
Uncreate, delete, destroy it all please?
You are your own authority
You are your own teacher
You are your own leader
You are your own God
Because YOU are God, and God is YOU
You ain't a follower
Nobody is greater than you, EVER
You are the only one who knows
What is best, true and light for you
Nobody else
This is your total power
This is your total freedom to be
This is your total trust in you
Regardless of what everybody else says or does
Without having to follow anybody at all
Other than YOU
Would you like to acknowledge and receive
That you are actually capable
Way more than you think you are
That you actually know
Way more than you think you know
That you actually are wise
Way more than you think you are
That you actually are absolutely
Powerful, bright and brilliant
Way more than you are willing
To give yourself credit for?
You are one in a million
Different from everybody else
There is noone like you
Your difference is your greatness
Your presence is your being
Your light is your inner compass
Your total awareness is your guide
Your total clarity is your answer
Your God is your ultimate Source
Your willingness to lead your own path
Without having to follow anybody else
That gives you lightness and expansion
That gives you true empowerment
To you and trust in you
That gives you joy and peace
That gives you infinite possibilities
Beyond this reality
Is the way that is right for you
You are the champion of strength
You are the warrior of spirit
You are the messenger of hope
Leading your own way
You are on your way
To reclaim your total freedom
Called the magnificent YOU
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
- For private sessions about relationships, health, grief and loss:
- For my book Ignite Your Soul Alive: