Do you create you or choose you?
Which one feels lighter for you?
God has created you
Whole and complete
Perfect and miraculous
Since your very first existence
In the Universe
It is the human experiences
Lifetime after lifetime
That might have got you
To forget that total truth
About you
God has gifted all of us
The greatest gift of all:
Our power to choose
Our freedom to choose
To create and generate
Whatever we want in our lives
God loves us that much
To allow us to choose freely
Whether we want to
Awake and remember
Embody and be
The powerful soul
The magnificent infinite being
The God within we be
Or not
God still loves us anyway
It doesn’t mean that
All the trauma
You have gone through
Should just be forgotten
Should just be denied
Should just be dismissed
Should just be buried
The more it gets buried
Without acknowledgment of it
Without liberating it,
It has nowhere to go
It just sits there for ages
Deeper and higher
From lifetime to lifetime
From pattern to pattern
From choice to choice
That is not real choice at all
And gets you to go
Into the same vicious cycle
Over and over again
And forget more of YOU
It doesn’t mean that
You have to dwell on it either
Yet your willingness and courage
To work with it
To use it in your favour
To make it work for you
To burn it all to ashes
Reclaiming your God’s knowing
Not fixing it within
Cages and lies
Is your very key to
To your total freedom
To reclaim all of YOU
That God created you to be
With every choice you make
To choose for YOU
You are that capable
You are that strong
You are that courageous
You are that wise
Like nobody else
On this planet Earth
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong