If you went through so much abuse,
How much of your life were you
Made wrong and into nothing
For all your beauty and uniqueness
For all your quirks and strengths
That make you YOU
When all those who taught you,
Your parents, family, authority figures
Anybody else and everybody else around you,
Weren’t capable of seeing, hearing
And receiving you and your gifts?
How much of YOU have you
Made you wrong and rejected
All of your gifts, capabilities and abilities
Because of it?
Some of YOU, or all of YOU?
How many times in your life
Have you repeated the same pattern
Of talking to all the wrong people for you
Who can’t hear you or receive
Your abilities and gifts either
Even though you have so much
To offer to change their world
For greater possibilities
Because they don’t want to change?
How much of your life have you bought
All the lie of your quirks and strengths
Your beauty and uniqueness as wrongness
From all those who taught you
Because they expected and tried to mold you
Into them, everybody else and everything else
When you were not according to
Their expectations and standards?
Could they mold you?
Could they squash all the greatness
About you, of you and as YOU?
Could they shut you up?
Could they dim your light?
Because you are still standing here
Reclaiming your truth
Reclaiming your voice
Reclaiming your gifts
Reclaiming your capabilities
Reclaiming your capacities
Reclaiming your abilities
Reclaiming your joy
Reclaiming your greatness
That is YOU
So everything you have done to
Purchase all the rightness and
Brilliance about you as wrongness
As real, true and yours when it wasn’t,
Everything that is,
Would you like to uncreate, destroy
And return it all to senders please?
Would you like to receive from
From your soul and God within you that
You know what it feels like
To acknowledge your talents and gifts
To receive your talents and gifts
To appreciate your talents and gifts
To gift your talents and gifts to
Those who are right for you
Those who are open to receive you
Those who are capable of receiving you
Those who are hungry for true change
Those who are hungry for transformation
Those who are hungry for truth
Those who are hungry for their own souls
Those who are hungry for their sacred heart
Those who are hungry
For a completely different reality
Beyond this reality
Beyond this world
Beyond what they know
Beyond everything that has ever been taught
Those who are hungry for infinite expansion
Those who are hungry for infinite lightness
Those who are hungry for infinite awareness
Those who are hungry for infinite possibilities
Those who are hungry for the infinite ocean
Those who are hungry for the infinite universe
And are willing to do whatever it takes
To reclaim their total being and greatness?
Because that is exactly
Who you are, what you are
And the wonder of your life journey
Remembering, reclaiming and embodying
Your total being and greatness
That is how different you are
How spectacular you are
How gifted you are
How capable you are
How creative you are
How adventurous you are
How inspiring you are
How empowering you are
How magical you are
How miraculous you are
How marvelous you are
How phenomenal you are
How extraordinary you are
With listening to your heart
And receiving all of YOU
Your infinite ocean
Your magnificent YOU
For all eternity and back
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
- For deep healing and coaching sessions:
- For my book Ignite Your Soul Alive: