Have you ever found you
Trying to explain yourself
In order to be understood
The more you tried to explain
The more you felt wrong
The more you felt nullified
The more you felt unheard
The more you felt not understood
The more you felt insane?
How much of that wrongness of you
Is the conclusion, decision and lie
That the people you spoke with
Had already made about you
Even before you said anything?
How much of that feeling wrong
Is the lie you perceived from them
And thought it was yours
When it actually wasn’t?
What if they just weren’t capable
Of understanding or hearing you
As they weren’t capable
Of understanding or hearing themselves?
What if they weren’t the right people
For you to speak with
From the very first place?
Would you like to know
What it feels like
To do and be you
Without the need
To explain yourself?
Without the need
To be understood?
Without the need
To be accepted?
Without the need
To be approved
For who you are
By anybody else
Other than YOU
And your God within
As your Source?
Would you like to know
What it feels like
To know who to speak with
All the right people for you
Those who can receive you
When to speak
Where to speak
With ease
With lightness
With expansion
With space
For you and those who
Would love to hear you?
Would you like to know
What it feels like
To trust your knowing
To trust your awareness
To choose YOU
Without making you wrong
For your own brilliant awareness
That makes you YOU?
Would you like to know
What it feels like
To choose to
Listen to and understand you
Before anybody else?
All it takes is your YES
To the energies of
All these possibilities
And breathe them through
Every cell of your body
Before you decide
To speak to someone,
Pause and ask yourself
Some of these questions
Can this person receive
What I want to say?
Is this the right person
For me to speak about this?
What can this person hear?
Is this person a contribution
Lightness and expansion
To my life and journey?
Get a sense of the energies
Of the questions
Without the need
To figure out the answers
At the cognitive level
If you feel heavier
With the questions
That is your awareness of NO
To that person
If you feel lighter,
That is your awareness of YES
To that person
It takes practice
To learn to trust you
All it takes is your willingness
To choose to pause
And listen to your awareness
You do know way more than
You are willing to acknowledge
You are born with your knowing
You are born with your wisdom
You are born with your total truth
It is your being
It is your birthright
That God created you to be
You are on your way
Of reclaiming all of YOU
You got this. One step at a time.
- Phuong
