Awaken Your Soul
Open Your Gifts
Take Back Your Voice and Power
Coaching and Healing Regarding
Abuse, Relationships, Health and More

Ignite Your Power Alive
Ignite Your Power Alive
Have you gone through so much abuse
That you were never allowed
To make decisions for yourself
That you were never allowed
To make choices for yourself
That you were never allowed
To have a voice
That you had to follow rules and regulations
That you were taught to believe
Your authority figures were your God
That they were way greater than you
That it was wrong to believe you
That it was wrong to trust you
To the level where
You no longer had your sense of self
You no longer had your sense of worth
You no longer knew who you were?
How much of that life was a cage?
How much of it was living at all?
How much of your life
Have you spent
Making authority figures
Bigger and greater than you?
How many times have you found you
Telling yourself: ‘I don’t know’
And looking for answers
From authority figures for approval?
What if no authority figure
Is greater than you?
What if no authority figure
Knows more than you?
What if no authority figure
Knows better than you?
What if no authority figure
Has more power than you?
What if you are the only person
Who knows what is true and best
What is light and expansive for you?
What if you are the first person
You choose to trust and believe
Before anybody else?
What if you do know?
What if you are your own authority figure?
What if you are your own God?
What if you are your own expert?
What if you are your own healer?
What if you are your own mentor?
What if you are your own teacher
With God being your Source?
What if all you need
Is to be empowered
To awaken your all-knowing God part of you
With your lightness
With your expansion
No matter what others say
Without making you wrong
For your inner knowing
For your total awareness
For your wisdom
For choosing YOU
As God's infinite star
As God's powerful soul
As God's magnificent gift
As God's greatness
You were born to be?
If you say YES to any or all of the questions above, you are in the right place, my beautiful soul. Thank you for being here.

My Mission is to Inspire, Empower You
To Trust You and Ignite Your Power Alive
I am here to inspire, empower and facilitate you to awaken and remember your soul, God within you, open your gifts,
trust your inner knowing, take back your power and freedom, spread your wings as the gift and
greatness that you truly be.

How I Can Be A Contribution To You
I received repeated physical, emotional, verbal abuse as early as I could remember around the age of 2 till my 20s.
During my adulthood, I repeated the same pattern of abuse in all forms of relationships in every area of my life. I had no sense of self or worth. I had no dreams, desire or purpose in life. I had repeated suicidal thoughts, seasonal depression, horrible nightmares waking up with terror and heart pain almost every night for many years. I developed thryroid-related chronic diseases.
It was when I started my healing journey with different energy-healing modalities that have changed my life and I now practice.
I no longer have nightmares or repeated suicidal thoughts. I have remembered my soul. I have found God when I found me.
I have remembered and lived my soul and life purpose, my dreams, taken back my power, voice, life and freedom.
This is what I desire for you.
Hi, my name is Phuong. I am an inspirational, transformative speaker, writer, coach and energy facilitator.
I was trained in different modalities including 1-2 EFT (emotion freedom technique), Access Bars, Access Consciousness, ROAR, Basic and Advanced Thetahealing, Release and Replace, Jesus Healing and Advanced Clearing Energetics.
I am here to assist you to heal, end the abuse you have experienced, thrive and be the magnificent gift and greatness that you are born to be.
Work With Me
1 hr
315 đô la Mỹ1 hr
315 đô la Mỹ15 min
20 đô la Mỹ